To buy our bags and belts you need to email us or phone on 07771949664 or 01326231322. You can pay by card over the phone, bank transfer or cheque.

Browse some of our handcrafted leather belts. Find out more about them and how they are made, including information on leathers, sizing, buckles and more.

1" leather belt

Picture of 1" leather belt
Made to measure top quality leather belts. Choose colour and buckle


1¼ leather belt

Picture of 1¼ leather belt
Made to measure top quality leather belts. Choose colour and buckle


1½" eight strand plaited belt

Picture of 1½" eight strand plaited belt
Hand woven wider version of the six strand


1½" leather belt

Picture of 1½" leather belt
Made to measure top quality leather belts. Choose colour and buckle


1¾" leather belt

Picture of 1¾" leather belt
Made to measure top quality leather belts. Choose colour and buckle


Assorted plaited belts

Picture of Assorted plaited belts
Our popular range of hand plaited belts



Proud members of the Made In Cornwall origin scheme
Member of Made In Cornwall
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